Testimonials — MCG Surge Protection®

home owner in inverness, il

June 14, 2022

Sue, Anthony and Richard-

I’m quite impressed with your quick responses and how well MCG stands behind its products.

Thanks so much for all your help.



 High-end homes in CA protected by MCG

May 2017

Hello Jack, hope all is well. 

I finally came across this article that I spoke to you about few months back regarding a power surge out in the Montecito area last year. One of my customers was literally a few blocks away from where the power surge occurred.

I worked on their remodel, I believe in 2014, and we installed 2 MCG surge protectors. (PT80 and Model 90M) Just so happens that the neighbors on either side of them had damage from the power surge and they suffered no power issue at all. 

Money well spent I’d say.

Thank You,

Dino Pauletto

Pauletto Electric

Santa Barbara, CA

Medical devices & software company

After a detailed product information exchange between our Senior Engineer Dion Neri and a Product Manager at a world’s leading manufacturer of medical devices and software, we received this great testimonial letter of thanks.

May 2015


It is extremely rare that we experience this fantastic level of customer service. Thank you so much for your help. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you and MCG on current and future products.

Best regards,

Product Manager
Medical Systems, Security & Inspection Products

Ground one a/v inc.


For more than 40 years I have been designing and installing recording studios. Over time this has come to include high-end stereo systems, home theaters and in the past few years. "All Home" clean power systems.

Since the beginning of Ground One, I have searched for the best products to recommend to my clients and the best materials to be used in the products that I have developed.To consistently meet their high expectations, I only select the best possible components to build into my products. My goal is to manufacture the highest quality products in the world.

One of the products I developed for the maket was the "All In One" power distribution panel. It includes a "Narrow Band Width" isolation transformer alone with spike and surge suppression with filtering.

I have selected MCG Surge Protection to be the only vendor to be used in my products. They meet my high standards for performance, reliability, and customer service. No to mention their 20 year warranty.

Arthur S. Kelm
Ground One A/V Inc.

Chinese Maritime Safety Administration 

Before the year 2000, lightning caused serious damage to the equipment in our coastal RBM/DGPS stations. Almost every year, we had lightning damaging incidents. Some stations would have repeating lightning damage every year or two.

In every station we tried many different brands of SPDs and various other solutions. None of them mitigated the damage. In those days our lightning protection focused on improving the grounding systems of the stations in hopes of reducing the damage. An example: in QinHuangDao Station, we tried grounding directly into the ocean floor. Unfortunately, none of these solutions had an discernible result on the lightning damage. Lightning still regularly damaged our equipment.

At the end of year 2000, the MSA Scientific and Technology Center invited MCG Surge Protection, an American manufacturer, for a discussion on lightning protection issues. As a result, we did a power quality check in the above mentioned QuingHuangDao Station which showed many transient surges . In 2001, MCG surge protectors were installed in that station. After one year, a second power quality check was done which showed a marked improvement in the station's power quality . Moreover, the equipment in the station was running smoothly without damage. In fact, up to this date, 10 years later, the station has continued to run with no further lightning damage whatsoever. 

Meanwhile, the equipment in other stations continued to suffer from lightning damage. In 2002, lightning struck our San Shan Island Station off the coast of Dalian. The lightning damaged much of our equipment and took the station off-line. We asked MCG representatives to investigate and give a comprehensive solution.

After checking and investigating the San Shan Island and several other stations and equipment, MCG representative gave the following recommendations:

  • Our grounding systems already meet the requirements for effective surge protection and no further improvement to the stations' grounding was required;

  • SPDs must be upgraded to ratings of 200kA (8/20us)

  • SPDs must have internal multiple paths (backups) to guarantee the safety of the equipment, especially in the unattended stations.

For the past 10 years, up to today, our district has 10 stations with MCG SPDs installed:

  1. QuingHuangDao Station

  2. Tianjin Maritime Survey Center

  3. Laotieshan Station

  4. Wangjiamai Station

  5. Hannan Baohu Station

  6. Hainan Yangpu Station

  7. Hainan Sanya Station

  8. Sanshandao Station

  9. Chengshanjio Station

  10. Yingkou Station

Since the installation of MCG surge protectors, the equipment in the above stations has all been working stably with no further lightning damage reported.

Stamped by Tianjin Maritime Scientific and Technology Center of PRC

Oct. 2012

Best Power Controls

Dear Sue,

Good Morning!

Many thanks for your support.

We value your partnership and impeccable support. MCG is the best SPD company we have come across in the world, who have shown us way to do business and build long term partnerships.

With kind regards,

Aji K. Abraham
Best Power Controls

Summit Electrical

Sue & Tom,

Thanks for the great service!

Thank you,

Ed Srafin
Summit Electrical Inc.

Skyline Electric & Mfg

August 31, 2011  
Jack and Sue,

I remember the friendly, quick and accurate response the last time I contacted your company, which I believe was well over a year ago.  I wouldn’t recall this if it was not a pleasant, memorable experience.  I remember Sue calling up to make sure we were aware that our item had shipped and that she sounded sincerely happy that MCG could expedite this to help us meet our schedule. 

I start early, 6:30AM, and by the time I showed up here my quote request from just yesterday afternoon was waiting for me in an email and the phone rings and it’s Jack asking if I have any questions.  Then Jack goes on to acknowledge that he looked at our website and noted we have been in business since 1944 and was impressed by that and offered his assistance.  This is rare in this fast paced market and world we live in today. 

Being a service and quality driven company ourselves I wanted to commend you on your company and Power Partners, Inc., quality, friendly and fast service.

This is refreshing and is indeed, a pleasure.


Tom Provo
Skyline Electric & Mfg.
Production Manager, Estimator, Designer and Project Manager for a Custom Electrical and Enclosure O.E.M.

Models Used: PT250

PE Senior Technologist Top 40 Design Firm

Customer testimonial received June 2011

Sue Baron,

Thanks for message.  Thanks for the offer of the binder, but I prefer to use you web pages.   

I’ve down-loaded some of your technical papers, and they have been a great help to me.

We will be recommending your surge protectors to our client in the particular instance about which I asked, among some other corrective action.

Delaware City School District Ohio

Electrical Distribution in N.C.

Customer testimonial received June 27, 2007

Mr. Thomas,

            I wish to commend you and the folks at MCG Surge Protection. When I began supervising the substations and the SCADA system, I was losing $600.00 modems and circuit boards every few weeks. I was not entirely sure what I needed to protect my equipment, so I searched the internet and came across MCG Surge Protection. The website was very helpful and informative. The sales representative for this area promptly responded and within four weeks I had several surge protectors installed on a trial basis.

It did not take long for me to realize how well these surge protectors worked. I purchased more of them and protected all of the equipment. It is now three years later and I have not lost a single modem during that time. And the warranty on your products is great. Some of the surge protectors have been damaged and I have had no problems getting them repaired or replaced. I hope that in the future you will continue the outstanding quality of your products and service.



Charles B.

Electric Distribution Superintendent



Surge Protection used:   DLP-4.92 and DLP-20G

Magnatech in East Granby, Connecticut


Mr. James D. Tighe 
Electronic Manufacturers Sales 
PO Box 2589 Woburn, MA 01888

Dear Mr. Tighe,

It is not often that one is favorably impressed to the extent that you feel motivated to write a complementary letter.

As you may remember, a little over a year ago, we spoke of the transient electrical problems experienced in our manufacturing facility. Since we are in a heavy manufacturing area, next to a major airport, and situated in a known lightning-prone setting, I anticipated that we may be able to mitigate some of our problems by installing surge protection to the incoming AC power. However, due to the nature of our business of manufacturing and testing of welding systems, I had little hope of eliminating equipment losses due to transient failures, as our own operations were probably the biggest contributors to the destructive influences we experienced.

I must say that after following your recommendations and using MCG products, we can report zero failures over this past year. This includes over 20 workstations networked to three servers, a multi-chair CAD system, and lots of computer-based instrumentation. I think it is certainly safe to say that the installed cost of the MCG protection you configured has been more than offset by the equipment we would have ordinarily replaced, without considering the costs of downtime.

Thank You,
Magnatech Limited Partnership
Garry'O. McCabe 
Exec. Vice President 
P.O. BOX 260 - 6 KR1PES ROA.I5

An Electrical Distributor on Long Island, NY

One of my distributors, who has only purchased MCG equipment once before, called me yesterday, looking for a price.

I wasn't in and, in true New York fashion, he couldn't wait so he called MCG.

Anthony took the call, checked the records to see what he had paid on his last order and gave him my standard distributor pricing.  In addition, he had some technical questions that MCG engineer Glenn Clifford handled.

By the time I got to call my customer back, which was about one hour after his initial call, he was absolutely thrilled with the service he had received from MCG.  He told me that no one tried to over-sell the job and he was given practical, sensible advice. I should mention that this particular customer does not normally throw around compliments. 

He told me that I was "...fortunate to have such as solid outfit..." backing me up.  I couldn't agree more.

NY/NJ MCG Sales Representative
Paul Moraff pmoraff@optonline.net

Fiber Optic Technology Company in China

To: MCG Electronics, Inc.
From: A leading Fiber Optic Technology Company in China
Subject: Thank You

Our company, located in the south of China, is a high-tech joint-venture enterprise specializing in fiber optic technologies. We are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of leading edge Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) optical components.

In February 2004, our company acquired a new production line and transferred it to a facility in southern China. Unfortunately, that factory is located in one of China’s worst lightning zones, and the millions of dollars of high-tech sensitive equipment installed in the premises are exposed to many dangerous lightning strikes. We contacted many experts who recommended various solutions including complicated and expensive improvements to our grounding system.

The MCG representative gave us an explanation of the lightning threat and what we could do to handle it. Other than ensuring that all grounds of the building were bonded together, MCG did not require any further improvements to our grounding system.

We installed one of their 200 kA models at our building entrance and smaller models inside our assembly-line room.

The service was friendly and professional. And the protectors are working great. Since we installed our MCG surge protectors several huge lightning storms have hit our facility, but our assembly-line equipment has remained on-line with no damage what so ever. In addition our MCG surge protectors protected our equipment from a huge branch panel explosion caused by a power line short circuit incident.

As you can imagine we are VERY happy with MCG’s performance!!! Thank you, MCG.

US State Dept

Endorsement from the U.S. State Department:

Dear Anthony Biondo,

Thank you so much for the translations of the installation instructions (from English to French). The Libreville, Gabon Post and our office appreciate the outstanding effort and support that MCG has given us over the years.



Professional Engineer in WI

Customer Testimonial

Dion Neri, MCG Senior Engineer
Dear Dion,

Thank you for your quick and complete answer to my question.
"The use of 160M on a 480 volt motor control center."
This information helps as I specify your TVSS products on a regular basis for municipal projects.
Contractors are continuously trying to substitute stuff from "the other guys" but, they eventually give up when I remind of the performance requirements of my spec which is written around your products.

Thank you,
 From a P.E. (Professional Engineer)

Government Contractor

Anthony Biondo,


Thanks for the excellent service; you and Sue have done a great job!

We’ll be sure to let our customer know that everyone at MCG worked hard to push the order out ASAP. They will appreciate your enthusiastic attitude and quick response – rare qualities in today’s business world – as do we.

I’d like to learn more about your surge protectors so we can present them effectively to all our clients. We market to the federal government, defense contractors, and the Bell operating companies. I am sure experienced buyers from SBC, Verizon, Lockheed-Martin, etc. will recognize the extra value that’s built into your products.

Let us know if this sounds interesting to your management. We like to work with brand-name quality vendors and MCG fits the bill. Have a good weekend!

Blue skies,


Government Contractor

Financial Institution in NC

Dear MCG Sales Representative,

This letter is to inform you that since you have installed the AC power and data line over voltage equipment as well as the selected phone system protection at 19 of our Carolina locations, we have not had a single loss of computer hardware, phone systems, ATM's or other sensitive bank equipment. It seems like a shield has been placed around each of our branch banks, protecting them form lightning and thunderstorms, power company spikes and transients.

This is a considerably different experience than what it was like before. Thunderstorms and power company surge would periodically play havoc with our branches. On one occasion, we lost one of our banks for four days!

The one time, relatively small investment we have made has relieved us of equipment down time, customer aggravation and management grief. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Systems Manager/Vice President
The Bank of  NC

Mammoth Community Water District

Dear Jack McGruder,

I enjoyed our phone conversation the other day, and wanted to thank you for your quick response in sending the MCG surge suppressor quotation. As I had mentioned on the phone, we have a MCG TVSS at on of our municipal well sites. It had been installed before I started working as the District electrician, and I never really paid much attention to it until a power utility transformer blew up outside of the well site. As you can imagine the well went out of service and I was called out to investigate the problem and get the well back on line. I found the TVSS had two fried modules and I thought that it would be history based on the units age. I took a chance and called the 800 number on the inside of the enclosure and found to my surprise that the company was still in business, had the replacement parts, and replaces the modules FREE OF CHARGE. Within a couple of days I had the replacement parts, the power company had repaired there damaged equipment and the well was back on line with no damage to the pump motor or the pump control PLC. For this reason when our Districts engineering department requested we install TVSS at all our well sites I highly recommended that we take a close look at purchasing more MCG TVSS.

Thanks again,

Karl Schnadt
Mammoth Community Water District
Instrumentation Tech / Supervisor
PO Box 597
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-2596x230 / Fax: (760) 934-4080 

Jack McGruder is an MCG Sales Rep in Southern California

Another success story: May 10,2002 TRW MCG Awarded for Excellence

8726 Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045 
Contact: Jack McGruder, President
Phone: 310-673-6133
Fax: 310-330-1391
Email: pwrprtnr@aol.com

Global Healthcare Manufacturer

June 17, 2004

Dear Messrs. Glenn Clifford and Anthony Biondo:

Enclosed please find the one of the two damaged surge protectors - the subject of our prior correspondence. The enclose surge protector is the one shown in the digital photographs I sent previously.

Earlier I stated that, because of the reason for damage to the surge protectors, I don't really consider it MCG's responsibility to repair/replace me under warranty. In no way was your product defective. In fact, it did precisely what it was suppose to do. It protected some delicate, expensive, valuable one-of-a-kind electronic equipment. I find it rare that a company stands behind its product to the extent your company does. I'm glad I chose MCG's product in the application and will do so in the future.


Systems Engineer for a Global Healthcare Manufacturer